Every time I plan an evening to blog, life happens! Things have been so busy around here. We've been helping my mom move back to Phoenix ( she's literally 9 minutes away from us now :). We also took a trip to Vegas for 4 days and Jonny has started traveling again for work. Now that Ollie is getting more active, we've been taking him to the park and splash pads whenever we have down time. He's really starting to get around in his walker too. He sits up by himself with out falling for quite a while in between.
Ollie is enjoying all his pool time now that its heating up. He loves splashing is the waterfalls and fountains. He moves his legs like a little froggy, he's going to be a natural! We swam all weekend and went back to my moms last night for a dip before bed. It tuckers him out fast and he sleeps well :)
Father's day is coming up soon too! Jonny was nosey and found out what I'm planning. A friend of ours is going to do Ollie's pictures on his dirtbike rocker, in a pile of dirtbike tires, etc. The good news is now Jonny can be in the pictures. I'm going to have them blown up and put in his new workshop in some masculine frames. Can't wait for our first family photo though!