Friday, April 29, 2011

Time To Tell the Parents :)

Since we decided to tell our parents a week early, we didn't have much time to plan how. We decided on a homeade card with a beatiful poem I found online a few weeks ago.

"I do not have a face to see
or put inside a frame
I do not have soft cheeks to kiss
I don't yet have a name.
You can't yet hold my tiny hands
Nor whisper in my ear.
It's still too soon to sing a song,
Or cuddle me so near.
But all will change come December 4th
That's when they say I'm due.
I'm your new grandson or graddaughter.
I can't wait til I meet you.
All I ask between now and then
Is your patience while I grow.
I promise I'll be worth the wait.
Because of all the love we'll know.
So what I have to give you now,
Is a wish to you from me.
I cannot wait to be a part
Of this wonderful family."

                    Love, Baby

Jonny sent the card to his parents yesterday and it should be there around three this afternoon. We told them they can't open the card until we Skype them. We have to see their reaction :) Afterwards, we are headed to Prescott for dinner with Mom, Stepdady, and Grandma Hess. I don't think Mom will be expecting this tonight since we are coming up to see Grandma Hess.

It will be sooo much easier talking to everyone now without having to worry about slipping the news about baby (or hoping someone else doesn't slip for us). I think things will seem much more real now that our family will be in the loop.

So Excited ! :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Baby Makes Three.....

Waking up this morning I had such a mix of emotions flowing through me. I was sooo excited to see our blueberry size baby but nervous at the same time. We also couldn't wait to see if we would be having one baby or possibly multiples. My mom and aunts are twins so we have high chances of twins (they skip a generation).

After loads of paperwork, consent forms and 3 trips to the restroom from all the water I chugged this morning..... we got to see our peanut. That's right, uno peanuto! The doctor said all my tests came back great and that our baby has a strong heart beat. Baby W measured in at 8 weeks 1 day, so we are a bit further along than we actually thought. We are due on December 4th! What a wonderful early Christmas present!

We decided to tell our parents this weekend. . . Jonny finally talked me into it! We were going to wait until Mother's Day, but we are way too excited to wait an extra week. I'm counting down the days! Even though today's visit made everything very real, we can't wait to be able to share the happiness with our parents. I won't have to bite my tongue 5 times a day when talking to my momma! Only 5 more days : )

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Surprise ........ we're expecting!

On Sunday March 27th, we drove home from the Worcs race in Lake Havasu. I've never been car sick before but felt extremely sick on our way home. I knew it was time to take a test or go to the doctor.......

      Over the weekend I had stomach cramps and back pain but didn't think too much of it since I've been having them for a few weeks. Jonny kept telling me that I need to go to the doctor, but I refused. I was just hoping we'd get a positive test that would prove that's what was wrong with me. Every negative test made me question going to see a doctor, but I had a "gut" feeling to wait a bit longer and keep trying. The week before my face turned bright red and was such a dry/oily mess that make up didn't stand a chance at helping. I figured it was just my body getting used to not being on the pill anymore. Now these symptoms seem perfectly clear, but the negative tests were driving me insane.

When we got home I took two boxes of pregnancy test... four tests total. The positive line was barely showing up, but I swore I could see it. I called Jonny in to verify and pulled out 5 negative tests I had kept (at least they came in handy :). They were good for comparing though! Jonny could even see the faint line. I couldn't sleep since we didn't know what a barely there line meant. I pulled out my Nook and started flipping through the book What to Expect Before Your Expecting. I thought I had read something about faint lines but didn't remember what. Sure enough it said that even a faint line is a positive line. The line shows up when HCG is detected, and you have to be pregnant for your body to produce HCG. I handed the book over to Jonny so he could read it too. We sat speechless for a few moments with huge grins on our faces. We decided that I would take a Clear Blue test in the morning (it spells out "pregnant" or "not pregnant"- pretty fool proof).  I woke up at 4am to pee (even my bladder knew the test was positive before I did). I decided not to waste a "good pee" and took the test. Jonny heard me opening the test and laughed about how I couldn't wait. I put the test on the counter to let it register and waited in bed for a while. After five minutes I picked up the test and there it was, a big fat positive! PREGNANT! Jonny and I were thrilled! I was even happier all these crazy symptoms weren't just in my head :)

The next day I called the doctor to make our first appointment. They said we could come in at the end of April or beginning of May. I was shocked we had to wait so long! We made our first appointment for April 25th. They said there isn't anything they can see before then and unless something is wrong, there is no reason to come in.

The hardest part has been not telling our parents! We plan to tell them the day after Mother's Day with a ultrasound picture. We will be Skyp-ing Jonny's parents and going to see mine for dinner in Prescott. We've been trying to get Jonny's parents to come visit so we can tell everyone together in person, but haven't been successful. We've almost slipped the secret a few times while talking to them. My mom has also noticed my "stomach muscle" getting bigger and poked at it last time she was here. I wanted to tell her to stop poking her grand-baby, but decided it will be worth the wait to tell them in a more special way. Only 2 more weeks! We can do this!

The last few weeks have been exciting and nerve racking. Expecting the best and trying to prepare our feelings for the worst, just in case. We can't wait to hear our baby's heart beat tomorrow and hopefully hear things are going well. According to a website we are using, our estimated due date is December 6th! I'm excited to hear when Dr.Binnion thinks we're due. As of today we are 7 weeks and 6 days along. We have along way to go, but we are so excited and ready for everything pregnancy has to throw at us. I'm sure Jonny will be happy to get away for race weekends when the mood swings start kicking in :)