Saturday, September 24, 2011

30 weeks..... time is flying by!

As of today we are 30 weeks pregnant! In 10 weeks or less our little boy will be here! Hoping we don't go past our due date, fingers crossed! My belly is getting pretty big and is getting bigger everyday. Baby boy is also getting much stronger with his movements which have also become less sparatic. As i'm writing this, Ollie is kicking and moving the laptop that's resting on my belly :)  Pregnancy has been a lot easier than I thought it would be. I've had minor discomforts along the way, but I know it could be a lot worse.

Some things that I'm currently experiencing:

  1. Heart burn is finally subsiding thanks to a new medicine from my doctor, love her! Who would have thought that a $4 prescription would be the cure?
  2. Swelling is sooo not fun. I'm retaining lots of water in my legs, cankles, feet and hands. I'm pretty sure my days in heels are numbered. 
  3. Back pain just started... our 3lb baby feels like he's about 20 pounds :)
  4. Shaving my legs has become a chore instead of a necessity. 
  5. Rolling over in bed takes A LOT of work. 
  6. Jonny can't sleep from my snoring. Besides waking up a few times a night for bathroom breaks, I sleep great!
  7. Braxton Hicks... these have been weird to get used to!
  8. I can now usually tell where baby boy is in my tummy at any given time. My favorite is when he positions himself just right and makes my belly lopsided.
The worrying has also set in. My mind is constantly racing and there are SO many things to think about and get done before he gets here! What do we still need? When will Ollie make his debut? The biggest one..... how am I going to get this thing out!? I know I'm not the first person to have a baby, but I am nervous about the whole pain factor. Since I've never even broken a bone,  I wonder how my pain tolerance will hold up. All I know for sure is I'm saying or screaming "YES!" to the epidural and a side of Pitocin. I know it's pretty controversial, but I don't feel like I need to be a superhero and deliver all natural. I want this to be as pleasant of an experience as possible! In order to save Jonny and the nurses ears... gimme all the meds that will help!

Tuesday is my next OB appointment. Afterwards, Jonny and I are doing a hospital tour at Scottsdale Shea to register and see how things work there. I switched doctors at 24 weeks and can honestly say it was the best decision I've made. It was scary to leave what I've been used too, but my new doctor is amazing and her staff is really on top of things. They call me with questions or test results before I even have the chance to check on them.... I love it! 

In the next few weeks there is soooo much going on! Maternity pictures on the 8th, baby shower on the 15th, then heading to NY for a wedding ( and small vacay) on the 21st! October is really going to fly by! When things start settling down again, we'll be tying up all the loose ends and waiting on Olliver to arrive. We are getting more and more excited by the day to meet him :)